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Research and Evaluation

CCAS employs a variety of research and evaluation methods in delivering and developing quality services for children and families. Our Quality Assurance Department is committed to participating in and facilitating research studies that promote evidence informed practice, improve service outcomes for children and families, and support a learning environment for our employees.

We are a member of PART (Practice and Research Together) Ontario, a collaborative network of child welfare agencies that facilitates education-based learning events about child welfare research programs.

CCAS values research efforts that enhance knowledge, skills, and practices in child welfare. The Society welcomes the opportunity to collaborate or support research efforts with recognized institutions, service agencies, community organizations, and students. Research requests may be about accessing the Society’s information technology resources, recruitment of research participants, or seeking a partnership with the Society on research projects. Any inquiry regarding research proposals can be sent to

Our Quality Assurance and Research Department will respond to your request.

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