Semi-Independent Program
The Foundations Semi-Independent Program offers a short-term supportive housing opportunity for youth aged 16-21 who are involved in the child welfare system and are preparing for Independent Living. This program offers youth the opportunity to gain life-building skills and knowledge, such as: budgeting, education, employment etc. Young people will have the support of live-in mentors and staff to be a part of goal setting, and can move forward at their own pace, identifying areas they would like to work on. There is also a built-in savings program and upon graduation from the program young people will have money to assist with the transition to their own place or to independence. We also assist with connecting youth to community partners who can assist with, housing, financial supports, etc.

Key areas of the program include:
- Individual support
- Opportunities to build relationships with peers
- Support to complete education and post-secondary planning
- Support regarding mental health and self-care
- Life skills counselling & group work
- Budget counselling
- Housing advocacy
- Referrals to job search and training programs
- Immigration consultation services (if needed)
- Referrals to community services