I Have a Concern – Who Can I Call?

If this is an emergency and you are in immediate danger, please call 911. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need to confidentially speak to a counselor right away, call the Kids Help Phone (24 Hours): Toll-free: 1-800-668-6868 or text: CONNECT to 686868 to connect with a trained, volunteer crisis responder.
1 Know Your Rights
All children and young people receiving services through a Children’s Aid Society have rights that must be respected and a voice that must be heard.
Find out more about your rights, who to talk to if you have questions, and what to do if you think your rights are not being respected, by reading our Rights and Responsibilities brochure, or with the Government of Ontario’s Children and Young Persons’ Rights Resource.
2 Concerns and Complaints
We are committed to offering you the best possible services and supports. Click here to our policy regarding complaints of children and youth in care. If you have a concern or complaint about the services you have asked for or received from CCAS, we encourage you to tell your service worker. If you still have a concern or want to make a complaint please visit the Ministry’s website to learn about the care you deserve and ways you can seek support, or fill out the CCAS concern/complaints form below and our designated service complaints supervisor will get back to you.
3What should I expect after I fill out a complaint form with CCAS?
We will acknowledge your complaint, and someone from our agency will get back to you to discuss the next steps and provide you with updates regularly until your concern is resolved.
4 How Can I Get Help Outside of CCAS?
Are you or a family member involved with a children’s aid society in Ontario and want to contact someone for help? Below is a list of available resources you can contact for help regarding your concern.
Child and Family Services Review Board
Information and Privacy Commissioner
Ombudsman’s Office
If I don’t agree with my placement, I can call:
Residential Placement Advisory Committee 416-482-0081 ext. 7233