Our Catholic Identity
CCAS benefits from the many supports provided by local parishes, Catholic schools, Catholic service agencies and community organizations providing services to our children and families. We recognize the importance of Catholic values and linkages with the larger Catholic community.
We offer pastoral services to children, youth and families, foster caregivers and staff who request spiritual and religious support. The Pastoral Advisor offers short-term counselling and referral services particularly during times of stress, grief, illness, trauma or other difficulty.
CCAS celebrated its 125th year milestone in 2019. To mark this special occasion, Cardinal Thomas Collins from the Archdiocese of Toronto officially blessed our new office, followed by formal speeches by the Honourable Jill Dunlop, Associate Minister of Children and Women’s Issues and various others, including a former youth in care who shared her story of how CCAS has helped her achieve her goals and aspirations.
View Chapel Blessing Video

View 125th Anniversary Video